2024 Australian Studies Symposium, online: “Collaborative Futures”

2023 Palma, Spain: “Australia from the Heart: Envisioning Affective, Environmental, and Material Reparations”

2021 Australian Studies Symposium, online: “(Un)belonging: In Search of New Representation, Negotiations, Entanglement”

2020 [postponed to 2021] Naples, Italy: “Australia as a Risk Society: Hope and Fears of the Past, the Present and the Future”

2019 Toulon, France: “Alter/Native Spaces”. Recordings of the keynote lectures are available on the Université de Toulon website:

2018 Barcelona, Spain: “Nationalism Old and New: Europe, Australia and Their Others”

2017 Liège, Belgium: “Australia-South Asia: Contestations and Remonstrances”

2015 Veszprém, Hungary: “Australia as Topos: The Transformation of Australian Studies”

2013 Bordeaux, France: “On the Margins”

2011 Presov, Slovakia: “Crossing the Borders: Reality, Desire and Imagination in Australian, New Zealand and the Pacific Lives, Literatures and Cultures”

2009 Palma, Mallorca: “Dis/solutions: The Future of the Past in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific”

2007 Roskilde and Copenhagen, Denmark: “Translating Cultures: Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific”

2005 Debrecen, Hungary: “ReVisions of Australia: Histories, Images, Identities”

2003 Aveiro, Portugal: “Australia – Who Cares?”

2001 Lecce, Italy: “Reconciliations: 100 years of Australian Federation”

1999 Toulouse, France: “Departures: Australia’s Re-inventions of Itself”

1997 Klagenfurt, Austria: “Maintaining the National”

1995 Copenhagen, Denmark: “Inhabiting Australia: The Australian Habitat and Australian Settlement”

1993 Sitges/Barcelona, Spain: “Australia’s Changing Landscapes”

1991 Berne, Switzerland: “The Making of a Pluralist Australia 1950-1990”