Special Issue Vol 14, No 1, 2023: “‘Australia from the Heart’: Envisioning Affective, Environmental, and Material Reparations” CONTENTS
Special Issue Vol 14, No 1, 2023: “‘Australia from the Heart’: Envisioning Affective, Environmental, and Material Reparations” “Australia from the Heart”: Envisioning Affective, Environmental, and Material Reparations by Astrid Schwegler-Castañer and Paloma Fresno-Calleja
Special Issue Vol 14, No 1, 2023: “‘Australia from the Heart’: Envisioning Affective, Environmental, and Material Reparations” Speaking to Voice―Indigenous Australians and the Quest for Truth-telling, Treaty and Sovereignty by Lars Jensen
Special Issue Vol 14, No 1, 2023: “‘Australia from the Heart’: Envisioning Affective, Environmental, and Material Reparations” Wing-flutter, Air-sweep and Human Breath: The Ethics of Voice and Encounter in Australian Studies by Gail Jones
Special Issue Vol 14, No 1, 2023: “‘Australia from the Heart’: Envisioning Affective, Environmental, and Material Reparations” Inga Simpson’s The Last Woman in the World as a Transmodern Fiction of Attention by Bárbara Arizti
Special Issue Vol 14, No 1, 2023: “‘Australia from the Heart’: Envisioning Affective, Environmental, and Material Reparations” Geotrauma in Melissa Lucashenko’s Too Much Lip by Irma Krčan
Special Issue Vol 14, No 1, 2023: “‘Australia from the Heart’: Envisioning Affective, Environmental, and Material Reparations” Of Rocks and Stones That Speak: Animated Landscapes in Australian Film by Geoff Rodoreda
Special Issue Vol 14, No 1, 2023: “‘Australia from the Heart’: Envisioning Affective, Environmental, and Material Reparations” Merlinda Bobis’s The Kindness of Birds (2021): A Transmodern Ecofeminist Manifesto by Dolores Herrero
Special Issue Vol 14, No 1, 2023: “‘Australia from the Heart’: Envisioning Affective, Environmental, and Material Reparations” ‘The Lost Voices’ by Simone Lazaroo